No Means NO
Has your child ever gone through the experience of getting names or getting pulled by the strongest kid in the school?
Has any child in your Neighbour gone through the trauma of listening to hurtful words or behavior?
More than one out of five students report being bullied in their life. The chances of getting bullied can happen in different places, it can start from schools, colleges whether in class, in the hallways, staircase or at the playground or outside.
It is never okay and acceptable and it is not a normal part of growing up. Bullying often involves an imbalance of power, and can include threats of violence, verbal/written threats, emotional or psychological actions against a student. The individual going through this experience not only faces physical torture however at the same time goes through mental and emotional breakdown. The consequences are indeed so dangerous that it pushes the individual to get disconnected from his/her own identity and the outside world. The fear is so intense that it may lead to psychological effects like depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, self-harming behavior and also at the same time may hamper their academic performances.
However, the question is what to do when the child is going through the journey of being bullied——A BIG QUESTION.
Parents and guardians play a critical role in helping the child recognize and understanding the marks of bullying or harassment and doing something about it. For instance, children who are being harassed often act differently—clothes may be torn or a student may be less interested in school activities, the behavioral pattern will be negative. It is very important to build the culture of open communication at home so that the child going through the harassment can talk openly with the parents or guardians about what’s happening so that they can help you to make things better.
Teachers at school need to create a safe and inclusive environment in the classroom. This can include creating guidelines that support all students and letting students know that it is protected for them to share their views and feelings.
Teachers should conduct special workshops and training sessions, classroom discussions, role plays and simulations to develop empathy amongst the students and bring assertiveness in the students. Teachers should raise parental awareness through Parent-teacher conference and newsletters.
Bullying is a tough issue to tackle, however it can be stopped and prevented if schools, colleges, teachers, parents, and students all stand together to stop it. If we all empower each other then any kind of harassment can be closed.
Raise your volume and say NO to injustice. Tell them to STOP Talk with someone you TRUST. Say what is happening to you. Ask adults to listen. Tell them, “It’s important. “Be assertive – look them in the eye and be confident with your body language. Don’t be afraid to SPEAK UP. Use humor – it can throw them off. Conquer your bully confidently. Teachers – State the policies loudly and clearly in the classroom. Know the SELF DEFENCE techniques |
Where the Mind Is Without Fear by Rabindranath Tagore is an inspiring poem on the value of free state and it is your right to have free mind.
If you have no one to hear your experience and stories and you need immediate solutions to come out of world of being bullied then do Call us or WhatsApp us on: 9870227993/8130629106.
Our team of psychologists and counsellors will guide you on how to empower yourself.
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